Monday, September 8, 2008


The final step for my poster is by adding in my quote that is "PREVENT GLOBAL WARMING,IT'S TOO HOT TO HANDLE". What im trying to say in my quote is that the heat that is trapped in the atmospehere caused by greenhouse gasses couldnt be released, so it is reflected back to the atmosphere resulting in higher temperature and climate change.That is why i put in the line looking like rays on the upper side of my poster and coloured it in orange so that it suits my quote.

Next in my poster i added in the ground of the greenhouuse in orange colour to fit my quote

The second part of my poster i did the three buildings that i put behind the greenhouse which represent the research buidling.As u usual, i used the pen tool to make the outlines of the building and then coloured it in three different tones of yellow.

For my poster i put in the greenhouse because it is the smaller topic for global warming.I made the greenhouse using pen tool and coloured it in light green and dark green for the second house.

Assignment 3


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Assignment 2

Finally,the smoke i coloured it light grey then used 3D effect and for the tree i coloured with lighter brown.After that, i used chalk scribble under brushes to show its surface .

The outline of the greenhouse i used embossed blind under grapic style and the research building i coloured it dark red using the live paint bucket.

For the background i made two layer..the ground i put dark brown and the sky dark blue using the live paint bucket.

I finalised my image by adding dried trees with its branches using the line segment tool for the trunk and pencil tool for the branch.

Next step i made the smoke using pencil tool for the curved lines.

Behind the greenhouse i made a square shape for the research building.I made the line using the line segment tool for the whole building.

Then i continue with the side of the greenhouse using the same tool that is the line segment tool to complete the house.

To make the front side of the greenhouse i used the line segment tool and make the rectangle shapes.



Saturday, July 19, 2008

The process

This is my sketch when it is fully coloured.Below will be the process of making this symbol.

For the first layer i made the fire using the pencil tool for the outline.
Then i fill in the colour, for the outer layer i fill in the colour orange to represent the colour of the fire and for the second layer i fill in the colour blue that represents the sea.

The next part of the process i did the house with cracks representing the greenhouse effect using the pencil tool.I place the greenhouse inside the fire and overlapping the map background because it is one of the effect that results in global warming.

After that, i complete the map background by putting in the the details that is land using pencil tool for the outline and colour it in dark green following the actual colour in our map.I used the grey cloud and power symbol using pencil tool and paintbrush tool to represent climate change and frequent tropical storm that are happening because of the greenhouse effect

This is the final look of my symbol which i named 'burning house' connecting the greenhouse effect with global warming.

Friday, July 18, 2008

These are all the elements that i use in my symbol:





My Sketches


My smaller topic on global warming would be the greenhouse effect. It refers to the circumstances where the short wavelengths of visible light from the sun pass through a transparent medium and are absorbed, but the longer wavelengths of the infrared re-radiation from the heated objects are unable to pass through that medium. The trapping of the long wavelength radiation leads to more heating and a higher resultant temperature. Besides the heating of an automobile by sunlight through the windshield and the namesake example of heating the greenhouse by sunlight passing through sealed, transparent windows, the greenhouse effect has been widely used to describe the trapping of excess heat by the rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide strongly absorbs infrared and does not allow as much of it to escape into space.